
OnePlan Release Notes - April 28, 2023

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The OnePlan team is pleased to announce the latest release of OnePlan.  Check out what's new and enhanced in this release!

Sofia - AI Chatbot Assistant

Sofia is here to help you!  Sofia is an AI chatbot that can help you with everyday activities while working in OnePlan.  Sofia is currently in a beta testing period and will continue to learn new skills in future OnePlan releases. You can enable Sofia by installing the AI app and then configuring the related AI settings on the configuration page.  Below are 3 ways you can currently interact with Sofia.

  • If the "@OnePlanData" tag is showing in the top left of the Sophia window, you can ask Sofia to analyze the data in OnePlan to provide meaningful insights.  Feel free to ask her any questions you would like.  For example, "Which projects will allow me to maximize my benefits while minimizing my budget?"  We will continue to add this capability to other OnePlan apps in upcoming releases.
  • You can also ask any question you would like that is not directly related to OnePlan data.  For example, "What are some best practices for strategic portfolio prioritization?"
  • Sofia also is an expert user and administrator of OnePlan.  You can ask her questions like, "What are the steps to generate a new Plan from the home page? "

Portfolio Modeler

  • When enabling the bubble chart, the default view will now be automatically loaded.
  • The visualizer will now be sorted in the same way as the list view.  This will make it easier to find plans in the visualizer.
  • The resource Capacity vs Demand chart will now update based on your resource filters/settings selected.
  • Selecting/unselecting all plans is now about 80% faster.
  • An open model option has been added to the model contextual window.  Previously you had to click on a model name to open it.
  • The financial charts will now work when using daily/weekly financial data.
  • When saving a view, the date range selected for the resource and financial planner will now be saved.
  • When opening the Gantt, the default zoom will now be set to Quarters instead of days.

Portfolio List

  • You can now create cascading choice fields.  For example, if you choose a country, you can filter down a choice field of cities to just show the cities in that country.  You can configure this using the "Filter Choice Field" option on the edit field settings screen.
  • A clear filters option has been added to pre-filter lookup fields.
  • When using pre-filters on choice fields, the default choice value will no longer be set as the pre-filter default value.
  • The duration field will now calculate using the general calendar to adjust for work days.  Previously the calculation included non-work days.

Work Planner

  • Many improvements have been made to the template gallery.  The overall look and feel/user experience has been improved.  Multiple new options have been added as well.
    • You can use the AI option to create a template.  Simply describe the type of template you are looking for, and OnePlan AI will suggest possible options.  For example, "I need a software development template for building an e-commerce platform."
    • Online best practice templates are now available.
    • You can share templates with other people by using the export/import template options.
    • You can now tag templates to categories for easy filtering.
  • You can now create cascading choice fields.  For example, if you choose a country, you can filter down a choice field of cities to just show the cities in that country.  You can configure this using the "Filter Choice Field" option on the edit field settings screen.
  • The resource usage view has been updated to make it easier to visualize resource availability.
  • You can now copy and paste multiple work items at the same time by highlighting multiple items and using the copy/paste options in the contextual menu.
  • Date field calendars now show week numbers.
  • The successor field can now be added to list views.

Resource Planner

  • The notes field can now be added to the resource negotiation ignore fields list.  This makes it so that updates to notes will not be required to be approved.
  • When using the compare option, resource planning type totals will now show in the same order as the time period values.
  • When pre-filtering on a choice field with many values, performance will now be much better.  You can also use the clear pre-filters option.
  • When using the add booking option, the select resource dropdown will now be sorted alpha-numerically.
  • When fulfilling or replacing resources, resources selected in the candidates grid will be un-selected.
  • The resource candidates grid will now load faster when selecting many resources.
  • When dragging and dropping resource plans from one time period to another, the % complete indicator will no longer show.  A loading screen will show instead.
  • When exporting the resource requirements view to Excel, requirement rows will only show the remaining amount to be fulfilled (instead of the total requested amount).

Financial Planner

  • When using the compare option, cost type totals will now show in the same order as the time period values.


  • If a plan is set to only allow tracking time on assigned tasks, when timesheets are copied from one period to another, tasks no longer assigned to you will not be copied to the next period.
  • When timesheet hours are approved, work field calculation will now be triggered.

Status Reports

  • Choice fields will now expand to use available space on the page (similar to the plan details page).
  • Image fields will now be formatted properly when used in status reports.

Resource Center

  • When grouping in the resource center, groupings will now be sorted alphanumerically.

Audit History

  • When exporting the audit logs, audit log rows created by system jobs will now show as modified by "System".
  • In the resource audit log, You can now filter on a resource's name.
  • When changing a generic resources name, an audit line will now be created.
  • When adding a predecessor to a work item, the audit log will now show that the predecessor was added.
  • When updating a work items calendar, the audit log will now show that the calendar was updated.
  • When updating a work items mode, the audit log will now show that the mode was updated.
  • When converting a work item to a milestone, an audit line will now be created.
  • When marking a work item as inactive, an audit line will now be created.
  • When changing a work item to be manually scheduled, an audit line will now be created.
  • When bulk updating resource plans, the resource data cells updated will now be shown on individual lines for easier viewing.
  • Using the import option in the resource planner will now create audit lines for all data that was updated.
  • When using daily/weekly in the financial or resource planner, audit logging will now be tracked.


  • You can now specify filters on the timesheet table.  This is especially helpful when you have millions of rows of timesheet data, but you only need a subset of them.   
    • You can filter on the PeriodStart and PeriodEnd fields.  
    • You can use the following operators: gt, gte, lt, lte, eq. 
    • Dates need to be formatted as yyyy-mm-dd  For example: ?$filter=PeriodStart gt 2023-01-01  
    • You can also combine 2 ifs using an and.  For example: ?$filter=PeriodStart gt 2023-01-01 and PeriodStart lt 2023-03-01


  • The financial planner and resource planner external import APIs have been improved to allow for easy deletion of data before an import occurs.  You can specify a start date, an end date, and a scope for what data you want to delete.  The scopes available are: 
    • All categories - erase everything within the date range for all rows, Included Categories - erase everything for the categories in the import
    • WIthExternalIds - erase anything with cost categories that have an externalid specified

Feature Deprecation

Multiple features will be deprecated in this release as previously announced.  This includes removing portfolio what-if/scenario planning capabilities from the portfolio list app.  These capabilities plus more have been added to the portfolio modeler.  Also, the work plan save button will be enabled for all OnePlan groups.

For a list of features that have been deprecated or will be deprecated, please see What features/functions have been removed?

For more information on why OnePlan deprecates features, please see Why does OnePlan remove features/functionality?

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