The OnePlan team is pleased to announce the next release of OnePlan. Check out what's new & enhanced this month!
Release Overview by Feature
Work Plan
- Work Types. We now have additional work types available other than tasks! Examples of other work types include Issues, Risks, Backlog, etc. They are configurable to align to your business needs. When looking at the Work Plan pages, views are saved for that specific work type. The additional work type items show in Timesheets & My Work. When 'Show All Work' is selected in the Work Plan Scheduler, the all work results align to whichever work type you're viewing.
- When the Backlog List App is added to your OnePlan group, a new work type called Backlog gets created. The fields and views are also added.

- The Tasks and Work Items % Done value now includes a progress bar as well.
- Users can now select a field to be the columns/swim lanes for the Work Plan Board. The default Group By is Status, but other available fields can now be selected.
- There are two new field types available for creating new fields: Lookup & Multi Lookup. Lookup fields are valuable for creating relationships between plans in the system. If the plan types are set up in a flat hierarchy, use lookup and multi lookup fields to create the parent to child relationships. If the plan types are set up in a hierarchy, lookup fields automatically get created and populated with the parent value for the children plans. Views can be grouped and filtered by the lookup fields. Ex: A plan can have a lookup to the program-type plan(s) to which it's associated. Or, a feature-type plan can have a lookup to the epic-type plan(s) to which it's associated.

- The Plans' % Done value now includes a progress bar as well.

- The settings for the Plan Details Form can now be copied from one plan type to another.

- The Default Task Type can now be set at the plan level (a plan-level field). Task Type is the method for how tasks are scheduled. The choices for the Task Type include:
- Normal: All fields can be changed
- Fixed Duration: Changing the dates (Duration) on a task auto-updates the effort/work hours
- Effort Driven: Changing the effort (work hours) on a task auto-updates the duration
- Dynamic Assignment: Changing either the effort or duration on a task auto-updates the assignment units (percentage usage of the resource assigned)
Note: For existing customers with existing OnePlan groups, you will need to run a tool from the admin screen to get the Default Task Type field added to your OnePlan group. Refer to this article for the steps: How do I add the Default Task Type field?
Resource Planner
- The ability to copy Resource Plan values from one Resource Planner cost type to another is now available.
- The Time Rules & Totals settings now assume a 40 hour work week (5 days working) for the calculation of the utilization graph. Even if time is allowed to be entered on weekends. So, enter 8 hours for Daily Target Hours to make a 40 hour week 100% utilization.
- The magnifying glass icon now includes the text description: Advanced Search.

- There is now a new permission group called Executive. Users added to the OnePlan system with Executive permission have access to read/view all content in OnePlan.

- Microsoft Teams integration - Adding someone to the OnePlan group will now add them as Team Member to the Teams team.
We squashed 29 bugs!