The OnePlan team is pleased to announce the next release of OnePlan. Check out what's new & enhanced this month!
Release Overview by Feature
- Users can now group & filter the plans by Process Step.
- The current view name now shows on the far right of the Portfolio header.
- Plans now have a small colored bar next to the Title/Name to help distinguish the plan types from one another.

- We updated the process to move a plan from one process flow step to the next. When you click a process flow step, users can choose to move the step/stage to the next and back to the previous. On the drop down is also an information box with the step name and status.

- Archiving plans is now available. When selecting to delete a plan, there is now an option to archive it instead. An archived plan will not show in the OnePlan views or modules. For historical tracking, archived plans are not deleted, but hidden. They can be viewing in reports.

Work Plan
- The Heading "Schedule" has been updated to "Work Plan." The default work type is Tasks, also now shown on the Work Plan pages. This is done in anticipation of other work types coming in the future.

Financial Planner
- There is a new permission setting for the Financial Plans. By default, a user who is a reader on the plan team can see all aspects of the plan, but not the financial plan. This can be managed now, per OnePlan Group, for each team permission level. For administrators, refer to the following Admin Guide article for more information about this setting: What are the advanced Financial Plan settings?

- The Archived flag is now available as a field in the OData feed, in the Plans table. This is a True/False flag. Add the Archive field to the report as a filter or detail in a table as needed.

When adding a dashboard to the Portfolio or Plan Dashboard page, there is now an option to have the dashboard auto-resize to full page, regardless of screen size or resolution percentage. Refer to the following article for more information how to configure the dashboard pages: How do I set up the Dashboard?

- OnePlan is now integrated with the new Microsoft Project for the Web. Build a schedule of tasks in Project for the Web, then synchronize to OnePlan for all the additional planning capabilities, resource planning, financial planning, portfolio visibility & analysis features of OnePlan. Refer to the following article for instructions how to set it up for your OnePlan group: OnePlan and Project for the Web
- We released a new version of the OnePlan to MS Project Connector. Refer to these articles for more information how to download & use the connector: OnePlan to Microsoft Project Connector.
- When OnePlan is integrated into another tool, such as PowerApps, SharePoint, or Project Online, the plan level navigation can be hidden, so as not to have duplicate links or confusion over how to get to the planning modules (to the Financial Plan, Resource Plan, Work Plan Tasks, etc.).
We squashed many bugs!