The OnePlan team is pleased to announce the latest release of OnePlan. Check out what's new & enhanced this month!
OnePlan Canada

- OnePlan Canada is now up and running. OnePlan Canada is hosted on a Canadian Azure subscription. This means all data and the application itself is located in Canada. This improves performance for Canadian customers using OnePlan, as well as allows certain clients to meet requirements on where there data is stored.
Project Professional Desktop Publisher
Server side publishing is now available. This means you can click publish, the job will go into a queue, and you can leave the page and not have to wait for it to complete.
- Tasks that are deleted in Project Desktop are now deleted from OnePlan on publish.
- You are now able to publish schedules to the Canadian and Australian OnePlan environments.
Financial Planner
- Fiscal periods can now be used instead of calendar periods. Once this is setup, the financial planner will show quarters and years based on the fiscal calendar you define.
- Detail rows can now be moved up and down to easily reorder them as needed.
Roll down permissions are now available. If you are using a hierarchical plan type structure, you can give users access to a higher level and they will automatically have the same access to all plans below that item. For example, if I give someone access to a program, they will automatically have access to the projects below that program.
Work Plan
- The work planner now supports multiple calendars. Each resource or tasks can be associated to a different calendar for more accurate scheduling.
My Work
- When grouping items in My Work, if they do not have a value for the grouping they will now show under a "No Value" grouping.
- When copying a timesheet from one period to another, locked tasks will no longer copy over.
When using column names that start with lowercase letters, they will no longer be sorted under columns with uppercase letters.
- The plan "Modified Date" field is now available to be added to views.
- You can now select more than one plan type to show in the kanban board and roadmap at the same time.
- The clear filters option is now at the top of the list to make it easier to select when needed.
- Multiple improvements have been made to the child plans functionality in this release.
Resource Scheduler
- In the resource scheduler, the settings you set will now be remembered. This way when you leave and come back you do not have to change the settings to how you like them.
- There is now a bulk delete option for resources in the resource pool. Previously they had to be deleted one by one.
- When setting calculations on choice fields you can now use the fields choice field values instead of guids. This makes it easier to setup calculations.
Key Bugs Squashed
- In the resource center, when grouping by the generic field, generic resources will now still show.
- When using non standard date formats, you will now see the correct format everywhere.
- When naming a plan a single character, there plan icon will no longer show as a broken image.
- In the resource planner, when using FTE or % the period total will now show a average instead if the total (like the total total does)
Release Notes Video
To view a video of the release notes, visit